Complete Missions

Step 1: After creating your account, click on "Missions" in the top left corner to see the available missions.

Step 2: Choose a mission that interests you and read the details carefully, including the tasks, requirements, and rewards. Use the search bar to find specific missions. Make sure you understand the requirements and can complete the tasks within the given timeframe.

Step 3: Complete all mission tasks, which may include social engagements, in-game activities, and creative problem-solving. Giving each task the attention it deserves increases your chances of claiming the reward and earning valuable EP and NFT Badges.

Step 4: Stay up-to-date on your mission progress and ensure all requirements are met and necessary information is provided before the deadline to claim your reward.

By following these steps, you can join a Mission on Space3 and begin your journey towards space exploration and discovery. Good luck!

Last updated